The weather is forcasting a great weekend for a change so why not rent a boat? Saturday is already booked up but we do have availability for Sunday. The forcast is predicting some rain for Sunday but what that usually means is that some rain may fall but that most of the day will be perfect for bo...
Due to popular demand, we have brought another pontoon boat online for the Canada Day 150 weekend. Call us now or click here to reserve and we will get you and your friends out on the water for the big day.
As you can see by the picture above, we have some boats in the harbour. It is finally starting to look like a marina again instead of a flood plain. The weather this Spring has kept the desire for boating at bay for the most part but when the sun started to shine on Wednesday, the phones started to...
We have been busy getting your boats put away for the winter and that work is now pretty much complete. We had a great season, we kept our crew of 7 people busy right up until the beginning of December. Now we are down to a skeleton crew. Mark and James are keeping the lights on for the winter an...
We have been operating seven days per week since April keeping your boats on the water where they should be. Now that we have most of the boats winterized and safely tucked away in our boat storage facility, it is time to cut down the hours of operation.