As you can see by the picture above, we have some boats in the harbour. It is finally starting to look like a marina again instead of a flood plain. The weather this Spring has kept the desire for boating at bay for the most part but when the sun started to shine on Wednesday, the phones started to...
Can you believe it is October already? My first season working at a marina since 1995 is already coming to close. It is a short season. As a business we are pretty busy from about mid-April until the end of November, but for most boat owners, the season is not much longer than 8-weeks.
It is always sad to see summer fade away. We had such great boating weather this year on the Ottawa River. It seemed every weekend was hot and sunny. We did have a few days where the wind was high or the rain clouds persisted, but for the most part, this was a fantastic boating season. It is now...