It is always sad to see summer fade away. We had such great boating weather this year on the Ottawa River. It seemed every weekend was hot and sunny. We did have a few days where the wind was high or the rain clouds persisted, but for the most part, this was a fantastic boating season. It is now time to think about putting your boat away for the season.
Did you get a lot of enjoyment from your SeaDoo this summer? Treat your PWC to stay inside our storage facility this winter only $375 for the winter including winterization. That price is for 2-strokes, if you have a 4-stroke, the price is still only $425. These prices are not just for SeaDoo, we don't play favourites... Yamaha WaveRunner, Kawasaki JetSki and any other brand are all welcome to spend the winter with us.
PWC owners tend to put more miles on their trailer than most other boaters so we highly recommend that you service your wheel bearings either this fall or in the spring before you start SeaDooing again.
Year after year, one of the most common issues we see with stern drive boats is water in the bellows. Water in the bellows can cause a lot of damage to your universal-joints, gimbal-bearing and even your gimbal-housing. One of the most expensive repairs we performed this summer was on a boat that had water in the bellows resulting in a catastrophic failure of the gimbal-housing.
There are a few common causes of leaky bellows such as muskrats lunching on them and just plain old age. Whatever the cause, winter is the best time for preventative maintenance. Have us do a full bellow inspection and replacement if necessary. Your boat will love you for it.
The photo above shows a typical Transom Seal Repair Kit. If your boat is more than a few years old, or you live with waterfront varmints, having this kit installed this winter can give you precious days on the water next summer.