The hoe-ram came and the hoe-ram went. We closed the harbour for a week to make upgrades to the main harbour at the marina. About 1000 meters of rock was excavated from the harbour bringing our low-water depth to six feet right to the shore. The rock that was taken from the water was used as clean fill along the west and east berms which will provide excellent wind shelter when maneuvering in the harbours.

One of my favourite new features of the upgrade is the addition of a large steel dock that is parallel to the launch ramp.

When you launch your boat, you can now temporarily tie your boat to this new dock without being in the way of the busy gas dock.

This new feature is planned to be a place for drive-on PWC docks.

At the end of the harbour close to the lighthouse, we have expanded the harbour. This whole area is deep enough even for our largest boats.

Plans are not finalized, but we now have a lot more room to expand.

Next time you arrive in our harbour, you will see a dramatic change.

I know, it is blurry, but as you can see, we have improved the wind shelter at the marina.

On the west berm, the grade was raised substantially.

The berm on the east has been raised close to three feet.

The middle berm is where all the dredging took place, and as you can see, the grade has been raised here as well.

Long days turned into a long week and the results were beyond expectations.
We are very happy with the results of this long week of work. We look forward to taking advantage of these upgrades to provide our customers with a better boating experience here on the Ottawa River.