It snowed about a week ago, and it stayed! More snow Monday and now a deep-freeze-- winter is here early. We still have work to do, we are never done by November 13 and this year is no exception. One boat arrived for storage by water over the weekend and several more have been trailered in for winterization.

Our late arrival by water. There is no room in the shop and its too cold for an oil change so we improvize. We let the oil drain overnight into bags so that we can safely put the big boat to bed.

In the summer, this harbour is used for larger boats. In the winter, it is used to store the many floating docks that we service along the river. On this river, if you don't have a place to put your dock, it will be gone come spring.

Looks more like the middle of winter here in the parking lot.

It would be an excellend day to sail on the river if it wasn't -10C

Some of the marina docks pulled out and blocked up. Let's hope there is no flood next year!

Our work boat is always the last one out of the water. The old boat worked hard this year and the new motor ran like a champ.

It can be tough to get outboards started when the weather is cold. Alli is hepling me with the batteries.

We use the barn to shrinkwrap most of the boats, but we have to also prepare it for storing the smaller boats.

Ramps and docks stored for the winter in the back yard. It was a short summer this year with the flooding, but it was nice while it lasted.

The old floating docks. We'll have to move them again or they will be gone come high-water.

Harbour is freezing, we are working fast today to get everything secured before the harbour freezes. Did I mention it is only Novermber 13?

The old forklift is ready to pull the last remaining ramp from the docks.

Chains frozen into the ground had to be pulled free. They will be used to anchor the floating docks into the middle of the harbour.

One last tin boat still in the water and collecting ice

The water freezes to the side of the boat making it just a little bit heavier.

And that is all the time I have today for this cushy blogging job. Alli doesn't mind the cold, the rest of us tolerate it. Soon the work will be done.

East harbour, getting the chains fastened.

West harbour, docks in position, tied together bumpers in place

West harbour looking out at the river, these will be floated away from the wall and floated together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Last ride in the work boat, breaking the ice. It is only 1/8 inch thick, but the docks won't move, they are stuck until the ice is broken.