You are most likely going to use photos that have been taken using your cellphone camera. Here are some tips for making life easier.
There are many ways to resize photos, the default picture viewer in Windows does a good job.
This picture shows where to click to resize a photo
![This is the description of the photo](filename-of-photo.jpg)
The above line of code is the Markdown for placing a picture on a page. This markdown code should be on a line by itself. It is very easy to understand what is happening in that code.
When you put a photo on a blog post, you will find that it it too big for the page when you look at your final result. This is because the image is not scaling to the size of the screen which is what you normally want with a large photo. To fix this, there is a some markdown that you add to the end of the photo markdown.
Just append this to the tail end of the picture code so it looks like this:
![This is the description of the photo](filename-of-photo.jpg){.img-responsive}
With Grav, there are many things you can do to manipulate photos, here is link that describes it, you may feel adventurous. Remember when looking at this help file, you are working with "Markdown" not "Twig".
If you have a folder with a great number of images and you want to save some steps, I have a trick that I use in Windows. Have your photos in a folder and then select them all at the same time "Ctrl-A" will select all in a folder, or user your mouse to select them. Right-click on any file in the selection and choose "Send to > Mail recipient" Then you will be asked to choose a size. I would suggest "Large". Doing this will add all the images to an email as a bunch of attachments. Don't sent it though, just drag and drop all those attached files into a folder on your computer and then delete the message.
There are many ways to batch resize images, you can do a google search on it to find some free tools.